marți, 4 decembrie 2012

Quotes ”NANA”

“I always thought that life was about standing your ground, no matter how strong the current was. But going with the flow isn't so bad after all. As long as it takes you forward.” 

"Often times,people say that only the closest of friends fight.
But, really , fighting is just a conflict between two individuals.
After all, humans cannot understand each others solely by telling the truth.
It's impossible to stay away from being hurt for a lift time.
But, try your best not to hurt those around you.
I really think that's how it should be."

"Facing our mistakes and the wounds they leave, even if we accept them, they won't disappear."

“In this sleepless night, as the darkness advances, look up at the sky and somehow remember that somewhere in this wide world, there are always people who love you, and people who need you. Because every person can't go on living alone.” 

“Maybe I’m just farsighted. The further away something is, the better I can see it but once it gets close, I lose sight of it.”

“We are all farsighted, we give importance to those things that are far from us, while neglecting the things that are close to us... only to realize their value later when they are out-of-reach again...” 

"People like hurting each other... but loving is not a waste."

Life is about getting knocked down over and over, but still getting up each time. 
If you keep getting up, you win.” 

“People can't be just tied together. They have to connect. Otherwise, they'll find themselves bound hand and foot.” 

“I might cry tomorrow, but I may be smiling the day after. That's enough. That's the way life is. If I don't lose hope - tomorrow will come.Tomorrow will come if we don't lose hope... I learned that from Nana.But rainy days still make my cheeks wet with tears, even now. It was pouring, on that rainy day.” 

"The flow of time cleanses the past and heals the wounds in people's hearts. But...there are some wounds you can't speak of. This room is just like it was then. Time has stopped"

People always say that you only discover how precious something is after you lose it--- but I think, you only really recognize it... when you see it a second time face to face.”

“If I ever fall in love again, I would like it if it were a slightly cold guy. Someone who won't constantly mind about my childish needs but who, the day after the quarrel, for example would offer me a flower accompanied by a sweet note That's kind of guy I need.” 

"You laugh at love... but love will make you cry."

“At that time I told myself that I didn't want to fall in love ever again. But that night while praying for your happiness Nana, I thought that despite all the wounds and all the pains it could cause I wanted to dream again, and love someone with all my heart.” 

“In this world, not everything will be won by justice. If you want to win, you have to learn how to cheat. 

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